Name and Surname:
Business Name:
E-mail address:
When do you need your website? As soon as possibleWithin 6 weeksI'm flexible
Do you have a website domain? YesNo
If NO, what domain names would you prefer?
Please choose a domain postfix. International (.com)South Africa ( (.net)Charity (.org)Other (biz,, top, africa, joburg, etc)
What must your website do? Online company profileOnline shop (E-Commerce)Must generate leads. (See SEO option below)Online registrationMust be able to integrate with my CRM systemOther
If Other, tell me more.
For Lead Generation, please choose your SEO option I don't want leads from my websiteLeads from my cityLead from my ProvinceLeads from my CountryLeads from everywhere in the world!!
What pages do you want for your website? HomeAbout UsShopServicesFacilitiesContact Us
What other pages do you need?
Reference to a website to show us what you have in mind
Do you have a logo in vector format? YesNoWhat is a vector image?
Will, you (client) provide me (designer) with the content for the website? Yes I will provide the info, logos, and imagesI will provide most of the contentPlease create everything for me
Would you like to meet with the designer? Yes, I will travel to the designerYes, the designer must travel to meNo, we can meet online.